Coaching Others

My passion for coaching and mentoring others has been the constant thread connecting my experiences.  During college this manifested in my role as a synchronized swimming coach and swimming instructor for a spectrum of ages.  As a business professional in my twenties to early thirties I grew and managed a consulting department in which I constantly mentored and developed young professionals and clients.  This was the part of my job that provided me with the greatest sense of joy.

As a mother and spouse supporting others growth became a more personal endeavor.  I worked one on one with my son throughout his elementary years.  I loved watching him grow and enjoyed volunteering and working with other children through his school and athletic activities.  As a business leader in the community I work with my husband to release blockages that help him connect with his personal and professional growth and development.

No matter what role manifests in my life, coach, teacher, business professional, leader, wife, friend, or mother a natural joy arises in me when I am able to connect with others and help them reach their full potential. The tapestry of my life experiences interwoven with my passion for energy healing and coaching has led me to create this platform to transition out into the world and share my services with others.